Nearby events

Unmissable cultural and gastronomic events in the vicinity of Residence La Mason

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Fiera di Lonigo (22-25 Marzo 2024)

February 29th, 2024|Categories: Events|

Fiera di Lonigo. Con l'inizio della primavera arriva a Lonigo la celebre Fiera Campionaria! La fiera, di origini storiche, nasce nel 1486 e quest'anno avrà luogo da venerdì 22 marzo a lunedì 25. La Fiera [...]

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Vicenza comes to life with the Festa dei Oto and the Gold Fair

August 26th, 2021|Categories: Events|

September is a month of celebration for Vicenza: in fact, the two most important events of the year take place, namely THE FESTA DEI OTO in honor of the Madonna and THE GOLD FAIR! 8 [...]

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Love was born in Verona

February 6th, 2020|Categories: Events|

Verona, city of art and culture, of history and architecture, but above all, Verona is city of love! Giovanni Cotta described his city as follows: "Verona, those who see you and soon don't love you [...]

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