the Market of Antiques in Soave

2020-04-19T18:07:51+02:00October 21st, 2019|Events|

MARKET OF ANTIQUES IN SOAVE Every third Sunday of the month, in the historic center of the town, along Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, Via Roma and Piazza Marogna, the Antiques Market is set up, which enlivens the city of Soave. [...]

30% Discount during Abilmente

2019-10-08T18:11:04+02:00October 8th, 2019|Last Minute|

Abilmente is coming  the Vicenza fair for Do-it-yourself enthusiasts Countless stalls where to buy fabrics, beads, threads, ribbons, paper, and more wool, lace and stamps. In addition, more than 1000 sewing, patchwork, crochet, knitting, painting and decorative techniques, home decor [...]

Kandinskij, Gončarova, Chagall a Vicenza

2020-04-19T18:07:52+02:00October 7th, 2019|Events|

Russian art in Vicenza: Kandinskij, Gončarova, Chagall between sacred and beauty. Where Galleries of Italy - Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Contrà Santa Corona 25, Vicenza Distance from the Residence: 26 km - 30 minutes   Period From 5 October 2019 to [...]